Welcome to Hone Body Mind Review
Hello, my name is Dan, I am owner and contributor to HoneBodyMind.com. This website was born to help people find result producing programs, as well as products to help improve upon their body and minds. To explore the upper reaches of the human condition, as well as self improvement. This is something I find most fascinating and would love to share with the world. This will be a review site from products I personally have tried and in which I recommend.
You will find multiple ways to contact me below. If you follow me on social media, I will in turn, follow you back. I will get back to you as soon as I can and pride myself on this fact.
EMAIL – dan@honebodymind.net
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Hi Dan,
My name is Peggie and I also live in Wisconsin. Thank you for your website. I have begun on my own journey to a more wholistic lifestyle and diet. It’s wonderful to have contacts locally. I don’t know where this journey will take me but I have been cooking paleo and making homemade bath products with my daughter and it has been great.
I will be making your broth recipe this week. It looks delicious.
I hope you are doing well on your own self improvement and wellness journey.
Hey Peggie,
Great to hear you start better lifestyle choices for yourself. What part of the state do you live at? I’m located in the center of the state.
Have seen a lot of information about paleo but haven’t gone deep on it yet. Have you noticed any benefits? I need to look into this and hopefully write about it after trying it.
I have noticed improvements in my body from taking bone broth and highly recommend it, especially from joint pain.
I have been sidetracked a little as my wife and I got a new puppy around October. A puppy is a lot of work and my website and my self-improvement have been on the backburner since. But hope to change that soon. Having a puppy is making me grow and learn a lot too.
Thanks so much for commenting and hope you stay in touch.