In an effort to potentially get more people to start growing their own garden, I am highlighting some of the more interesting seeds that I will be planting in my humble little garden from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, I am planting this spring.
I always get so excited about spending time in my garden around early spring. I live in Wisconsin and planting season starts late here. The time I spend in the garden is always rewarding and never filled with regret.
Have You Started A Garden Yet?
Well, have you? If you have great, if you haven’t you need to start and it doesn’t matter if it is just one tomato plant or just one herb plant. Trust me, once you harvest your bounty you will become hooked by gardening. You can start slow and build up to more plants but get planting something.
So please start. I have written a page on this, Why You Need A Garden Doesn’t Matter How Small.
Why Baker Creek?
Colorful & Fun
For me, Baker Creek goes out and finds interesting heirloom seeds. Stuff that just interests me, stuff that is unique and rare. Just jump around their pages and you will see vegetables you have never seen before and in colors that will amaze you.
Each year they add and subtract seeds from their catalog, so you best keep your eyes peeled each year.
Heirloom Seeds
All of their seeds are non-treated, open-pollinated NON-GMO seeds.
Plus the seeds are heirloom and not messed with as far as GMO is concerned. Another important aspect of eating nutritional food raised by your own hand in your own garden is the seeds been messed with genetically. When I first started growing my own garden I would buy seeds from the local big box stores. I won’t mention the seed company names but I will not buy any seeds from them anymore. As they have modified their seeds. I suggest you stay away from those companies as well.
Heirloom varieties are the more wilder and often better tasting of there modern day breed vegetables. Most of the time taste has been bred out and the unique looks of species have also been bred out. If I had a choice I always go with heirloom seeds.
Seeds From Around The World
To find interesting seeds you must travel and explore the whole world. This Baker Creek does and then brings the seeds online to their site or their catalog for you to easily purchase.
Seeds I Am Growing This Year From Baker Creek
Lime Basil
This basil comes from Thailand and you guess it tastes like lime basil. This is a nice alternative to regular basil, as it is great in everything regular basil is in. This is good and I highly recommend you grow this version of basil. I love putting this in summer drinks, salads, and salsas.

Black Nebula Carrot & Pusa Asita Black Carrot
Purple vegetables are all the rage in the last few years and you gotta try add some purple veggies to your garden.
Wanna eat healthy? Eat these!!!
I grew the Pusa Asita Black Carrot last year and was pretty impressed with the color and flavor. Also, it might be the world’s richest plant-based source of anthocyanin. (think anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory) It’s why the carrot has that deep dark purple or black color to it. This grew for me pretty decent even though I have bad luck with regular carrots.

These look amazing in any salad and increase the wow factor.
I am trying the Black Nebula for the first time this year and hope to do well with this as I did with the Pusa Asita.

Brad’s Atomic Grape Tomato
This is the best-selling tomato on Baker Creek over the years, these are just stunning in color. These grow as small as a large grape to as large a plum and are considered a cherry tomato. This is my first year growing these I found out about these as this was recommended to me to grow. Very sweet taste and can’t wait to try them.

Beit Alpha Cucumber
Another first time trying to grow it this year. This was highly recommended as well as a great cucumber to grow for ease of growing and taste. I guess it is best picked small and doesn’t need peeling.

Hopi Turquoise Corn
Another first for me but I just had to try to grow this beautiful colored corn.

Other Recommendations for Seeds & Plants
I have also written a small post on plants and tools here, Paul Gaschi Recommended Plants, Seeds, & Pruning Tools. I highly suggest you take a look at it. Paul is the founder of the Back To Eden gardening method.
I have also written about What Is Back To Eden Gardening? I explain and recommend this amazing gardening method.
Seriously…You Need To Check Out Baker Creek!!!
There are so many different plants and flowers to check out and grow and I guarantee you, that you will get excited for growing something new in your garden this year. If you check them out and didn’t find anything let me know below, I bet you nobody will comment down below about not finding something interesting to grow.
Checkout Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Any questions or comments? I would love to answer anything. Thanks!
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