The biggest health advantage you can do for yourself is to eat better food. Be it raising your own fruit and vegetables, as well as your own meat. I am constantly trying to push starting a garden on this website, as this can be accomplished by just about anybody regardless of space. But raising your own animals for meat is not feasible for most people. That is where my FarmFoods Review comes in, to help people guarantee the best possible nutrition from meat.
What Is FarmFoods?
FarmFoods is an online butcher and distributor that removes the guesswork on how the animal was treated, living conditions as well as what was fed to them during their lifespan. They ship their product in insulated Styrofoam containers with dry ice to help keep the product frozen and fresh straight to your front door.
To purchase meat that was raised in a healthy environment and fed healthy food is what makes healthy food. Eating this type of food builds your health up, not tear it down. It also makes you feel better about yourself and the animals.
Why FarmFoods?
Get to know your food and where it comes from!
This is such an important initial step to obtaining healthy quality food and should not be overlooked. FarmFoods provides information about each farm both with a short write-up as well as an informational video. Going through these you will become enamored with the owners, the particular farms, and lifestyles.
The uniqueness of FarmFoods is you can choose what farm you want to buy from. Leaving you to most importantly to decide how and where your food is grown. Instead of just passively knowing or having no idea where and how it was raised.
Keep an eye for their certifications usually located around the top of the the screen on the Farm pages or the Meat sections. This will give you a quick reference guide to determining what you want in your purchases.

Products Available
The sheer amount of products provided is quite honestly fantastic to see and go through. So many options under each department, you will be hard pressed to not find what you want.
What You Should Know About Grass-fed Beef
Quickly, you should know if you have never had grass-fed beef before it going to taste different.
It not going to taste like normal beef you buy at the grocery store that was fed corn. It will taste wilder and have more flavor than traditional beef. Of course, this translates to more nutritional and a better for you. It's not normal for cows to be eating corn, cows are meant to eat grasses.
Pros & Cons
- No subscriptions. You order when you want and you don't have to worry about a subscription.
- Healthier meat products. 100% Grass-fed and Grass-finished beef.
- Raised by small farms not big industrial farms that are just after bigger profits and shortcuts.
- Pasture-raised chickens. No vaccines, no antibiotics, and never any drugs ever.
- Free shipping on all orders of $99 or more. This is automatically taken care of at checkout.
- FarmFoods also sells wholesale to both restaurants and other big buyers.
- You can choose the farm you want to buy meat from. At the time of writing this, they have 17 farms from which to choose from.
- Wild-caught seafood. No farm-raised seafood here plus all sustainable.
- 100% shipping guaranteed!
- You will feel better eating properly raised meat consciously. As there is less guilt with eating meat that is raised more naturally, as opposed to raised in confinement and fed an unnatural diet.
- For additional savings, you can purchase 1/8 Cow, 1/4 Cow, 1/2 Cow, or the Whole Cow. By the way, shipping is free for all of these options, anything over $99 is free shipping.
- A wide selection of Other Meat available - Guinea Hen, Elk, Turkey, Ostrich, Antelope, Alligator, Venison, Duck, Yak, Bison, Rabbit, Pheasant, Lamb, and Wild Boar.
- Shipping is done through FedEx or UPS, so you can rely on them as well as track your packages.
- The ability to buy from local farms, as you can go through them and pick the one closest to you.
- You buy what cuts of meat you want and are not forced to buy certain cuts you don't want, unlike other online meat companies.
- Lowest prices on Grassfed beef. A pretty bold claim, lower than Wholefoods and lower than Amazon Fresh.
- Purchasing meat products from companies that produce grass-fed, pasture-raised animals for consumption make a powerful step to improving life on this planet in a real positive way. As far as the animal's health, environment, and sustainability.
- Wonderful information on the individual farm that you can research before you buy to be better informed. They have a short detailed write-up as well as an informative short video.
- Shipped in a reusable Styrofoam cooler, this use to be an insulated cardboard box. I understand the need to protect the product as much as possible to deter losses and product satisfaction.
- Some people find grass-fed beef not as good tasting as corn-fed beef. Me personally, I would rather have the nutritional benefits over taste, plus I prefer the taste as I am used to eating wild game. +

How To Save Money At FarmFoods?
There are quite a few ways to save money at FF, the simplest is to click on the ON SALE tab at the top of every page, here depending on all types of factors, you will find a ton of products marked significantly down. It is worth it to spend the time and go through it to possibly find something you want.
Also, Beef, Pork, and Chicken each have value packs at the top of each of the main tabs. These are at a predetermined size with substantially reduced prices. You can save good money by buying these value packs.
Another great option is to install the app Honey Let Honey do all the work for you. This not only saves you money at FarmFoods but just about every website you buy products from. Honey once installed will scourer the internet at checkout for the best available promo code and also apply it at checkout. No more searching for promo codes at checkout, as honey will do this for you.
Is FarmFoods Worth It?
I am highly impressed with FarmFood's meats and transparency of origins, as well as a commitment to providing relevant information pertaining to the animal's life for the consumer.
You have so many choices concerning products as well as what farms and practices those farms take. It is easy to narrow down and find exactly what you want in your purchases.
Upgrade Your Meat and take the next step to become healthier and supporting a more natural way of life than factory mass production companies. This is a healthy step in the right direction...

You are so correct here. Not only that questionable meat can be harmful to one’s physical health but it can ruin mental health as well. Imagine all the struggle that for example chickens go through in the eggs farms, they produce the eggs holding exactly the same struggles the chickens go through. the same is for other animal farms in the industry which is not grown in a natural way.
Thanks for spreading awareness about this!
It is absolutely shocking how we raise our food and people that are aware of how bad it is and want to make a change have options nowadays. They are not forced to buy whatever the local grocery store has on its shelves. They have the option of purchasing meat that was raised in a more natural way and thus is also healthier to consume. I can’t recommend more a better company for meat.
Well farm foods definitely seems to be some thing that I might be interested in getting involved with because I absolutely love to eat beef. I know that sounds like a really stupid reasoning for my logic but I have a weird way of thinking and I really would love to be in this program getting some delicious cow meat. I feel like vegans would probably be pretty pissed off ha ha
Yeah, Misael I think vegans would like this meat over other meat mainly because this is a more natural raised and fed meat. It is a great company and offers great products as well.