How To Make The Best Beef Broth
I’ve been really excited to get started on this post, as I am late to the bone broth bandwagon. So, I think I have here is the best beef bone broth recipe. Yep, it’s that good. My recent descent into the world of bone broth has left me with my mouth wide open in amazement. Both for the taste and for the health benefits as well. Not to mention it warms you up quite nicely during these freezing winter months. Many people are experiencing positive health results as well as a soothing hot broth to sip during the cold winter months.

As the recent use of bone broth and collagen supplementation has seen my problem right knee pain and discomfort all but leave me. This problem has plagued me on and off since the young age of 15. Since implementing bone broth and some hydrolyzed collagen, I have seen massive improvements. Now, I am a bone broth fanboy, I tell everybody I can about it.
You can read more about what I take for collagen supplements here, What Is The Best Hydrolyzed Collagen?
The pleasure of eating bone broth is just fantastic, as well as the many health benefits that go along with it. From the leaky gut, to improve joint mobility.
I found an article that shows the many benefits of taking bone broth found here Cognitune.com Bone Broth Benefits.
Don’t Worry If Your Not Into Slaving Over Your Broth
I got a solution for you too, not everyone likes to cook. I get that cooking bone broth is a lengthy process and everyone is not up to the challenge. As well as having the aromatics of cooking bone broth permeate your house for a day or two. That’s where buying a quality bone broth comes in.
Just like all things, there are right and wrong ways to do something. I’ve tried some of the grocery stores organic bone broth both chicken and beef and thought someone must be doing something very wrong because this doesn’t taste very well. I could barely choke down a small coffee cup down.
FarmFoods provides both premade bone broth both beef and chicken and also the raw ingredients. Check them out for grass-fed beef and pastured raised drug-free chickens. A great company that delivers straight to your house check out my full in-depth review here, FarmFoods Review – Stop Buying Questionable Meat.
Luckily I found the best bone broths you can find at Kettle & Fire. The other store-bought ones just don’t compare, not even close. Delicious and the best all organic ingredients you can buy. You can also get a subscription to have their bone broth delivered to you monthly. Keep in mind one package is two servings. Kettle & Fire get the bone broths right, both beef and chicken.
>>Click Here To Get Kettle & Fire Bone Broth Now<<
The process might be slightly longer but it will be worth it in the end. You’ll be glad in the end, especially when you sip this broth.
- 4 lbs. of beef bones (preferably knuckle, patella, neckbones, femur, short ribs, oxtails, and feet bones) These have the most collagen as well as marrow. If you can get it try to get grass-fed beef.
- 1/4 cup of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar – I like Bragg’s vinegar.
- 1 whole garlic cut in half
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 sprigs of rosemary
- 2 medium onion
- 1 sprig of parsley
- 1 sprig of thyme
- 2 tablespoons of black peppercorns
- 2 unpeeled medium carrots
- 2 celery stalks
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Cooking Equipment
- Baking Sheet (for roasting the bones)
- 6-quart stockpot or a big slow cooker (can be larger)
- Strainer
- Cheesecloth (to further strain broth) optional
- Large Tongs
Step 1
Simply blanching the bone. To do this simply cover bones with water and bring the water to a boil and let them boil for roughly 20 minutes or so. Then drain water. The blanching will help improve the taste as well as clean up the meat.
Step 2
Do you want your bone broth to taste good? Then don’t skip this step. This process is roasting the bones. This is where you brown the bones, this will be accomplished by roasting the bones at 450 degrees for at least 20 to 30 minutes. This brings out the flavor and caramelizes the bone and any meat on the bone. You want a nice browning to take place. Make sure to get all the small pieces of meat from the pan into the stockpot, remember this is the flavor.
Step 3
Add the bones to the stockpot. The bigger the better here, you want a minimum of a 6-quart stockpot. Then I prefer using filter water and fill stockpot to just cover the bones. Next, we will be adding organic apple cider vinegar. The vinegar will help dissolve the nutrients within the bones and leach them into the water. Let this sit for 30 minutes for the vinegar to do its trick.
Step 4
We will be adding all vegetables, carrots, onions, and celery to the pot, I like to rough cut them. As well as the seasoning, salt, peppercorns and herbs, rosemary, bay leaf, and thyme.
Step 5
Now is when you bring the broth to a boil. As soon as it is boiling maddeningly, reduce the heat to a simmer.
Step 6
While the broth is simmering, you may notice foam or extra fat, this is normal. You should skim this off the broth then discard it.
Step 7
A half-hour prior to finishing simmering you should add the garlic and parsley. Cut whole garlic bulb in half, prior to adding to bone broth.
Step 8
Simmer this bone broth for a minimum of 8 to 24 hours. It’s generally known, that the longer this broth simmers, the better flavor. Also be sure to add more water when it is necessary, to make sure the bones and vegetables are covered.
Step 9
This is where you remove the heat from the stockpot and let it cool for a bit. Then strain the broth using some sort of strainer or a fine-mesh sieve. Discard all bones and vegetables. Optimal, you can further strain using cheesecloth. After straining to allow the broth to cool to a warm state. Once it is warm it can be transferred to smaller containers and refrigerated or froze.
Other Tips
You can also use a slow cooker to make bone broth, but be mindful that some crock pots are not that big and may require lessening the ingredients.
Refrigerated bone broth can last up to 5 days in a refrigerator and up to 6 months if you decide to freeze it.
When cooled in a refrigerator the solidified fats will rise to the top, just remove this.
A nice tip for freezing your broth is to use a muffin tray. Just pour cooled broth into a muffin tray and carefully put in the freezer. When froze you can transfer to some sort of freezer bag for longer storage. You can also use any silicone molds, such as cooking silicone molds or ice cube trays. An important note is to place trays on a baking tray prior to filling molds, as to keep from spilling. Then reheat them when ready to consume.
I like to add some fresh green onions to my hot beef bone broth. Give it a try.
Hope You Enjoyed The Broth
Now that you finished reading the best beef bone broth recipe, go forth and make the best-tasting beef bone broth you have ever had.
Remember if you want to try a great bone broth without the cooking Kettle and Fire has the best broth you can buy and have delivered to you.
>>Click Here To Get Kettle & Fire Bone Broth Now<<

If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear them.
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Hi, I’ve been experimenting and trying recipes for a beef bone broth and just trying your now. How much salt do you add as I couldn’t find a amount? Also, what is the oil for?
The Olive Oil is used when browning the meat to cover the meat before placing it in the oven.
1-TBSP of salt oops.
How did it turn out for you? Would love to hear any modifications or results.