Are you looking to lose weight fast? That is quite doable and can be extended past the initial 2 weeks?
I love reviewing diet and exercising programs, as I love finding programs that work. Getting the individual healthier and confident, a win-win situation for sure. This is a weight loss program that is gaining a lot of steam, as it is quite popular. I hope to take this 2 Week Diet program and take it through the paces. To help you determine if it is right for you.
Well, let’s get into it…shall we?
The 2 Week Diet Claim
A Foolproof, Science-Based Diet that’s 100% Guaranteed to Melt Away 8 to 16 Pounds of Stubborn Body Fat in Just 14 Days!
The average weight loss for the 2 Week Diet is 6 pounds, according to their site. This depends greatly on how well you follow the diet. The stricter the better the results, as with anything.
Products claims can always be made to sound better than real-world results. But this particular claim doesn’t seem all that unreasonable. But this program does condense the amount of time somewhat to achieve this and actually, it is just a little more than a pound a day to reach the high end of the claim. Well, it’s actually just 1.142 lbs. a day to achieve the 16 pounds in the 14 days.
- Drop 2 to 3 dress sizes.
- 2 to 3 inches off your waistline.
- Add muscle while dieting.
- Improve energy levels.
- Lose up to 16 pounds.
- Increase your metabolism.
- Increase energy levels.
- Improve cholesterol levels.
Who Is The Creator Of 2 Week Diet?
Meet Brain Flatt! Brian is the creator of both the 2 Week Diet and the popular original 3 Week Diet. Brian has been involved in the field of health since the 90s.

After learning of the 2 Week Diet and deciding to do a review by purchasing the program and taking this program through the wringer, I have never heard of Brian Flatt before. Maybe you have, but I have not. But this doesn’t really surprise me as I haven’t heard or seen a lot of these fitness people. So maybe the name isn’t recognizable, not a big deal but let’s get into a little about Brian to properly determine where he is coming from.
Brian is a professional trainer and also a nutritionist. He owns a fitness facility called R.E.V. Fitness located in Southern California.
Nuts And Bolts Of The 2 Week Diet
The program is basically broken down into three components.
- Diet – Detailed information that breaks down the specific types of food as well as specific calories base on your BMR.
- Exercise – Short full-body workouts, as well as simple exercises that anybody can do.
- Motivation – Just as important as the other two components and shouldn’t be skipped. After all, this is what keeps you continuing with the diet and exercise program.
What’s All Included In 2 Week Diet
Once you have purchased the program you will be sent to a page in which to download 1 PDF file. This one PDF file contains all four handbooks, which all intel a total of exactly one hundred pages. These handbooks are Launch Handbook, Diet Handbook, Activity Handbook, and Motivation Handbook.
While this section is lengthy and not the best reading, it allows me to show you what is accurately included without revealing every detail of their product.
Let me show a general breakdown of the contents for you, to better help you decide for yourself, so you can make the most informed decision possible.
Launch Handbook – The Launch Handbook is 57 pages.
This is a crash course on dieting and weight loss, explaining it in a simple easy to read and understand form. It breaks it all down so you are the most informed. This will get you understanding the basic science going on when following the program. I really enjoyed reading this and I think there is a great value contained inside.
- Introduction
- Rapid Weight Loss
- Why 2 Weeks?
- The Truth about Weight Loss
- How We Get Fat
- How To Get Thin
- Nutrients
- Protein, Fats, and Carbohydrates
- Fiber
- Fruits and Vegetables – The “Miracle Fiber”
- Water
- Metabolism
- A Surprisingly Simple Way Anyone Can Rapidly Accelerate Weight Loss
- The Undisputable Rules of Fat Loss
- How To Increase Catecholamines (and Lower Insulin)
- Reducing Calories The Right Way
- Reduced Carbohydrate Intake
- Starvation Mode
- Exercise
- Stubborn Body Fat
- Fat Burning Supplements
- Summary
Diet Handbook – The Diet Handbook is 17 pages.
This lays out exactly when and how to eat each day while following the program. This will take all the guesswork out of it.
- The Most Advanced Fat Burning Method In Existence
- Going Low-Carb
- The 2 Week Diet – Phase #1 (Days 1-5)
- The 2 Week Diet – Phase #2 (Day 6)
- The 2 Week Diet – Phase #3 (7-8)
- Research Proving The Effectiveness of a Fat Fast
- Phase #4: Calorie Restriction Based On BMR
- Preventing Weight Regain
- The 3 Pound Rule
Activity Handbook – The Activity Handbook is 10 pages.
This details exercising from just 20 minutes a day and 3 to 4 times per week.
- The 2 Week Workout
- Daily Walk (I love this)
- Consistency
- Warm-Up
- Resistance Training
- Full Body Fat-Blasting Workout
- Goblet Squat
- Dumbell Incline Bench Press
- Bent-Over Row
- Getting Started
- Miracle Midsection Workout
- Ab Blasters
- Planks
- Steam Engines
- Working Out After The Diet
Motivation Handbook – This handbook is 8 pages.
Addressing the mindset which is paramount to continuing and achieving results. Very inspiring and most programs don’t address this issue.
- Mindset, Motivation, and Willpower
- Regroup
- Put Your Goals on Paper
- Keep a Journal
- Motivation
- Willpower
- Conclusion
- Your Feedback
What I Like About The 2 Week Diet
- A very affordable program, especially with the coupon code provided below. See below.
- Diet can be extended past the 2-week window and continue to lose weight to reach your weight loss goal. This is totally up to you. So if you have more weight to lose than say 16 pounds, you can keep recycling the diet until the goal is met.
- Is it all carrots and lettuce? Nope, while vegetables are part of it, it also contains specific proteins and fats.
- I just love this aspect of the program. A solid system is in place, to maintain the weight loss, so all that hard work and effort isn’t regained. This is called the 3 Pound Rule, this is simply weighing yourself every day, if you weigh more than 3 pounds over your ideal weight you must immediately begin Phase 1 of the diet until you reach your ideal weight again.
- I like that when purchasing the product it curtails the program based on if you are a male or a female and other characteristics. This is important as each gender has different hormones and requirements and this program is optimized to provide for this.
- No gym membership is required.
- A number of specifically laid out foods that are allowed on the diet for both vegetables, proteins, supplements, and fluids.
- Something I never really thought of before but first heard it within The 2 Week Diet, is that you’re either in the fat-burning mode or putting on fat. Simple, right? T2WD shows you how to increase the number of hours you’re in fat burning mode.
- 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked. I love this option and I look for some type of money-back guarantee on any diet program.
- Facebook Support Group. This is exclusive to people who have purchased the program, where you can chat with other members, ask questions, and more importantly get motivated.
- Vegetarian and Vegan-friendly. If you are any of these the diet they give plenty of food options.
- No expensive foods to buy in order for this diet!
- This is not a liquid detox or liquid-only diet! You’ll be eating real food.
- Don’t feel like reading? An audiobook is also available for purchase as an additional resource at checkout.
- Does a good job of accurately describing protein, fat, and carbohydrates and the role they play in fat loss.
- I love that a Motivation Handbook is included. This is important to become focused and determined to succeed.
- An exercise program is included. To see the most benefits of fat loss some sort of exercise is needed.
- Workouts are short! 20 to 30 minutes.
- Resistance training is paramount to achieving maximum results.
- The complete program is written in plain English, which is easy to understand and follow.
- Relies on one of my favorite ways to lose weight, intermittent fasting!!! If you haven’t ever tried fasting, it’s a Godsend for making weight loss easy. I’ve written many articles on the benefits of fasting.
- Some recipes for preparing great tasting foods are given.
- Doesn’t demonize consuming healthy fats, this was popular in older diet programs. This was 100% off the mark and thankfully left behind as healthy fats play a crucial role in hormone production and energy.

What I Don’t Like About The 2 Week Diet
- While pictures are giving on the proper form on the specific exercises, it would be nice to see an actual video highlighting proper form for people without the experience.
- I wished this was available in a printed form but it only available through instant download. But the really good thing is you can print it out or transfer it to as many devices as you wish.
- Ads are placed within the PDF, which isn’t that big of a deal and are relevant to the material. Like for example an Amazon running shoe ad at the end of the Activity Handbook. Not really a big deal but worthy of note.
- Controversially, and not shying away from this form of supplement, as this advocates the use of nicotine and coffee. While it doesn’t base the program around this, it’s giving in the fat burning supplement section. If you don’t use nicotine already, don’t start. This is a general rule, but if you do use it gives helpful tips on losing weight via the two in combination. Every effort should be made to cut the nicotine out of your life, but if you are already a user and going to quit anytime soon, the program gives tips on using this to achieve more results.
Coupon Code As Promised
The program looks attractive already, right? Well, as promised in the title I have a coupon code that will save you an additional 20% off that you can easily at checkout. Now, that super attractive!
So, instead of paying $37.00, you can save an additional $7.40 for a total of just $29.60. I mean come on, this is of little risk, with 60 Day Money Back Guarantee it’s a darn great value. With 100 pages of well laid out information and a truly transformative program that is laid out.
Promo Code 20% Off – NEWME20
Conclusion – My analysis of The 2 Week Diet Is Very Positive
Is the 2 Week Diet a scam?
Nope! Not at all.
This system dials in multiple methods (a total of 5 ways) of how to lose weights in the shortest amount of time. While also providing the information to fully understand the process in order to achieve weight loss. The bonus is the motivation, as most popular diets and exercise programs never address this issue.
I am really impressed with the knowledge put into this handbook and with many tips to help you lose weight. The materials are all based on science and provides results based on science.
A final tip on the 2 Week Diet is consistency. Stay consistent and results will follow. 14 days isn’t that long of a time to see fantastic results.
>>>>>>>>>>Download The 2 Week Diet Program Now <<<<<<<<<
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Thanks Dan for this review of the 2-week diet program. Looks quite interesting, do you know if anybody in your surroundings followed this diet and if so, what the results were? The other thing is the science you mentioned was also involved. Losing so much weight in a relatively short period of time, should be medically reliable. So, can you confirm that it is?
I’ve only recently found this product for review, and I haven’t followed the program or know anybody that is following the program yet. I love the benefit of using intermittent fasting because it really works at making dieting soooo much easier. I never found I lost weight crazy fast, just pretty steadily and consistently.
Plus the price is pretty dang low and makes a nice entry level program for the money.