Music can push you to get through that grueling workout even though you are kinda quitting on the inside and not that into it. But that song that you love comes on and all of a sudden you pounding through your workout and taking names. In this web post, I hope to share my 5 best workout albums in which to help push through grueling workouts and make it easier.
Music does that to you. Brings you up levels past what you thought was possible.
This is my workout music that gets me going…yours might be different but I would love it if you would share your workout jam below in the comments.
5 Best Workout Albums
1. Various Artists – The Rocky Story: The Orginal Soundtrack Songs From The Rocky Movies (Soundtrack Anthology)
Now, now, hold on do not dismiss this. Trust me on this one, it’s good.
This is a really great CD for working out as it combines a lot of the best songs from the Rocky movies into one excellent workout CD. Highly, highly motivational! This is specifically meant for being a workout CD and you will understand this listening to it. This will get you powering through your workout and has a nice cool-down song to wrap it all up. This CD is 35 minutes long.
2. LCD Soundsystem – 45:33
This is mostly electronic music with a few vocals thrown in. Great for running or just putting this on and dancing until you have something better to do. Just about any LCD Soundsystem is great for moving and exercising too.
3. Daft Punk – Tron Legacy
Another soundtrack but this one is more electronic and ambient and just has a great vibe and sound to it. Catchy and riveting at the same time.
4. Various Artists – NOW That’s What I Call A Workout Throwback Edition
Filled with 90s jams filled with club tunes as well as hip hop tunes guarantee to get you energized.
5. Various Artists – 55 Smash Hits! Running Mixes
This album is available for download and has a ton of music for that extra long workout.
Honorable Mentions
Any Of the
NOW That’s What I Call a Workout
50 Running Cadences of the U.S. Military
Some Single Songs I Enjoy To Workout To
The xx – Intro from the Album XX
Dansonn has a ton of great shit to work out to checkout his site.
Can’t Be Touched – Roy Jones Junior
As I stated above, music is so subjective, and everybody has different tastes in music. I would love to hear your favorite music to workout to whether it is a CD or songs.
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