Theoria Apophasis Best Books Recommendations – Best Books for a Wise Mind & More

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Who is Theoria Apophasis?

Well, his real name is Ken Wheeler and he lives in Florida. His YouTube channel is Theoria Apophasis where he discusses a wide range of topics. You really need to check his videos out, as well as support him via PayPal.

Some of the topics he talks about and is very passionate about are cameras, magnetism, Nikola Tesla, metaphysics, books, light, rare books, translating old languages, and more.

Ken Wheeler

Sharing Knowledge

He is a very intelligent man and personally I wish to be more intelligent so I go back to a wise saying I heard. If you want to be successful hang out with successful people. But in my case it’s intelligence, so hence watching Ken Wheeler videos, the next best thing, right? Only, instead of hanging out, I’m his watching videos.

Intelligent people to me are so fascinating. Maybe because I’m a bit of a barbarian myself and work full time at a factory where not a lot of brainpower is used. Do opposites attract, a possibility?


But Ken does draw you in…Ken knows things…lots of things, like wisdom. A rare thing nowadays. It is in this vein I would like to share an easy spot to find the book Ken suggests reading. People looking to read books to improve their minds, and self-improvement. Books he claims will sharpen your mind. Boy, I do need some of this more than I like to admit publicly.

After listening to Ken talk, I do feel like a barbarian, but that’s okay by me but I can learn new things and hope to improve my mind. Where there is a will there is a way.

You can also check out another book list I wrote here, Wayne Green’s Book List – You’re Crazy If You Don’t Read.

Ken Wheeler’s Books

We would also do a great injustice if we didn’t mention Ken’s own book on magnetism. His book can be purchased off of Amazon for kindle, link below.

Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism: Exploring the nature of Magnetism, with regards to the true model of atomic geometry and field mechanics by means of rational physics & logic – Ken Wheeler

Also, his free book Law Of Illumination can be found here

The Journey To A Better You

Not all of these books can be found on Amazon or other online books stores, they can be found in pdf form online with a little effort. Check below in Ken’s book recommendations videos in the comment sections to find out where to download them.

Final Chapter

This is by no means his complete recommendations for books, so if you know of any I have missed I would love if you would share below in the comment section and I will add them to the list.

Now get reading.

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