Looking for programs that work? Searching for new ideas in exercise and diet that make losing weight easier? Well, I have three programs below that surely meet these criteria.
Are you ready for some top-rated workout programs that actually WORK?
Welcome to my Best Workout Programs for 2018. These are exciting times! Are they not? These programs presented in this post are carefully examined to offer the newest contemporary health and fitness practices for exercise and diet.
We all start the new year wanting a better life, either through our job, relationship life, goals, and yes…most importantly our health. It just happens to be that improving our health also importantly improves our looks. Right? By losing weight and adding more muscle we increase our appearance but most importantly our health. Without our health, we don’t really have anything more important. Because without having good health we suffer.
New Beginnings
I love every new year. It’s a rebirth of our desires and passions. For every new year I personally have a more positive outlook on life and no matter what your fitness level is, there always room for improvements. It is in this vein of positivity; I would like to present these programs that will surely improve your health and fitness goals
Each of these programs was picked to offer a variety, to cater from the younger to the older individual. So, there is surely something that is geared more for your liking. As each of us brings a different desire and needs to the table. The sheer amount of exercise programs out there are totally bewildering, as one could spend months researching the top programs and come away more confused than ever. I hope to alleviate this problem.
Rest assured ALL of these programs work, as a testament to the thousands of people that have posted their results online. It’s best to read through to find the best fit for you.
1. Science Based Six Pack
Science Based Six Pack is one of the newest programs based on intermittent fasting, just being released a couple of months ago (11/17). This is a diet and exercise program that produces incredible results. Shedding excess body fat and adding muscle and strength. Plus every aspect of this program is scientifically based on researched validated facts. How cool is that? More on that later…
The program is designed by Thomas DeLauer. Thomas is a personal trainer, fitness model, entrepreneur, author, and fitness expert. He has been featured in all of the well-known fitness magazines. But to me, most importantly he was overweight. How overweight might you ask? Try 100 lbs overweight, hard to believe when you look at him now. He routinely shows his overweight pictures and yes…even stretch marks. This is important to me, as it shows he has been overweight and has lost that significant weight. It shows CREDIBILITY!!!
Intermittent Fasting = Success
If you haven’t heard of intermittent fasting yet…you stumbled on the newest system that produces results. If you have heard of this (intermittent fasting), this is the most well put together system out there. You can read my full in-depth review here, Science Based Six Pack Review.
Why is this in the #1 slot?
Well, Science Base Six Pack is the most thorough well put together diet and exercise program I have ever had run across. Easy to understand charts, amazing videos, colored journal, and graphs to follow.
Three workouts per week…that its!!
Quality information. Every detail of this program is based upon science, either through a University Study, peer-reviewed journals, or scholarly journals.
Intermittent Fasting – This is a better system than the outdated method of eating 5 to 6 small meals every two to three hours. As this produces results without negative effects of starving yourself Yeah…I know your fasting for as many as 16 hours but this system has you slowly progressing, plus there are many tips and tricks Thomas gives you to help this.
A more healthy outlook and approach to food, instead of demonizing fats and carbs.
Simple program – from dieting and exercise.
A sustainable diet program that you can continually do effortlessly for years. I’ve been I.F. fasting for two years and going strong!!!
Works with both men and women.
Full-body workouts. I’m a big fan of this, as this allows for shorter workouts and getting the proper recovery.
Short result producing workouts. 25 to 30 minutes and are easily fit into your day.
Don’t need a gym membership.
It works!!!
Many many more benefits, check out my review to see them all.
Thomas Delauer before and after picture.
This program is for young and old, as well as male and female. I’ve bought this program last month and been following it ever since. This is a good program for just about everyone, and this is why it ranks so highly too.
2. Kinobody
Kinobody is the system that introduced me to intermittent fasting, and I am forever grateful. This program is no slouch either! Kinobody creator and founder Greg O’Gallagher. Greg has been passionate about fitness since the very young age of six years old. Kinobody has options, in the form of different programs and I really like this.
The Kinobody nutritional program really resonated with me and a real sigh of relief. As I didn’t have to feel hunger pains all day and all night. You’re going to break your diet into five to six small un-satisfying meals a day, and it will happen!!! But with Greg’s approach to nutrition, you don’t have to. As
Greg O’Gallagher – creator of Kinobody.
Kinobody is tailored more to your desire for the look, you want. Plus, it’s based on getting stronger. Greg takes a more focused refined approach to your fitness and physique goals. As the programs base themselves on the specific look, you are aiming for. For example, just take a look at the names of the ten available programs below:
The “Warrior” Physique – Warrior Shredding goal is a slimmer more defined look with the lowest body fat.
The “Greek God” Physique – Greek God is in the middle of the road between the other two programs.
The “Superhero” Physique – Build a superhero physique, that packs on density and size, while maintaining slightly more body fat.
Cardio Abs & Mobility Program – Just as the name says, to improve flexibility, endurance, and the all-important abdominal region.
Kinochef (recipe book) – A very helpful book with fantastic recipes that round off and complete any of the programs. A good purchase to compliment any of the programs.
Kinobody Style Guide – This program isn’t about fitness it’s about how to dress better.
Still Not Sure…Take This Easy Quiz!
I’ve personally bought and followed the Warrior Shredding course, and I’m in my mid-forties. I don’t set limits on people, but this seems to me, better for people under 50. So, it’s geared mostly to younger people teens, and up. But older people have also done well with Kinobody too. Any of the programs will get you stronger and leaner, as that is the only way to build solid, dense muscle.
Greg regularly fluctuates between different physiques depending on his desires. From really cut up (Warrior) to a more bulky appearance (Superhero). This shows you that you can alter your physique if one is dedicated and willing to do so.
What’s Great About Kinobody?
The programs are more focused and refined to achieve your goals.
Most of the programs use intermittent fasting. Yes, I am a fanboy of IF.
The programs workouts have
Breaks the many myths of build muscle and eating. Truly groundbreaking stuff.
You get to eat nice big meals and the food you love, without much sacrifice.
Short workouts – Just 45 minutes 3 days a week.
Most programs have No Cardo!!! If you hate cardio, this is for you, and yes, you can lose weight without doing cardio.
Plenty of bonus material provides with each program.
Great prices.
Focuses on getting stronger instead of chasing the pump.
Lays out the macros for you (protein, carbs, and fats).
3. Abs After 40
Abs After 40 is just as the name implies, a specifically designed diet and exercise program for older men after the age of 40. The program deals with a lot of issues surrounding the problems of older men, like for example, slower metabolism, working around possible injuries, low testosterone levels.
This program is designed by Mark Mcilyar, also known as “Ripped Grandpa.” Mark is a 53-year-old man but doesn’t look his age. He also has been overweight in his life but has since altered his lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle.
I’ve put AA40 through the wringer, by going through the whole program from start to finish and it’s a solid program. The course is a 90-day program that is broken into three phases. Each phase just lasting a month long. The program can be extended by just restarting the program over again to see even more results.
Fat Loss Jumpstart
Male Hormone Optimization
Full-Auto Abs
The workout portion of this program only takes 20 minutes to as long as 35 minutes. What I really enjoy is the functional strength emphasis, the strength that translates in the real world, not just on a particular movement. This incorporates compound muscle movements, how the body moves in real-life situations. Doing these kinds of exercises, stimulate more testosterone, and burn more calories in the process.
Why I Recommend Abs After 40
Number #1 reason, it’s designed for older men, as most workout programs are specifically designed for younger men.
Short workouts vary from 20 minutes to 35 minutes long.
As older men generally have more lagging injuries, AA40 deals with this by giving you alternate exercises to perform that are less stressful to problem areas: knee, back, etc.
Really stresses taking your time
Based on increasing testosterone, after all, that what makes us men. This is done through diet and exercise.
Exercise is mainly compound body movements (functional strength), meaning your working multiple muscles at the same time shortening workout times and stimulating testosterone.
A massive amount of nutritional information. Try 31 videos!!! 5 videos per month extended to 6 months.
Many great tips for following the diet, like what to buy at a convenience store or gas station to maintain your diet.
Numerous workout videos, in which to vary your exercise program and to keep your body guessing.
Mark’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious and motivating in the videos, which helps you keep going with his positivity.
The above three top selections offer many options, that should include just about everyone, to become more healthy, more in shape, and to lose body fat. For both men and women, as well as your age. All of them are good options.
They all incorporate effective diet plans as well as a workout plans to help you progress to a healthier lifestyle. All are result proven, through testimonials and I believe to be the cutting edge of workout knowledge.
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2 thoughts on “Best Workout Programs In 2018 – Top 3 Must See!!!”
You definitely are offering some great body shaping products.
I like the way you include diet and other information for an all around “healthier you”. It isn’t just about muscle ripping.
I am especially interested in your article on intermittent fasting. My husband and I started that last month, but really didn’t stick with it. I guess now we need to start back and mean it
I found I had the same problem with many different methods of losing weight. Intermittent fasting still requires some discipline, but I think it requires a whole lot less of it than other diet methods. As it makes dieting easier with bigger meals later in the day, so you don’t feel like starving with other diet methods.
These are, as you mentioned diet and exercise programs that work on getting you in better shape with losing weight.
You definitely are offering some great body shaping products.
I like the way you include diet and other information for an all around “healthier you”. It isn’t just about muscle ripping.
I am especially interested in your article on intermittent fasting. My husband and I started that last month, but really didn’t stick with it. I guess now we need to start back and mean it
I found I had the same problem with many different methods of losing weight. Intermittent fasting still requires some discipline, but I think it requires a whole lot less of it than other diet methods. As it makes dieting easier with bigger meals later in the day, so you don’t feel like starving with other diet methods.
These are, as you mentioned diet and exercise programs that work on getting you in better shape with losing weight.
Keep at it and results happen pretty darn fast.