This review I have been personally waiting to do for a long time. As I have read, watched TV programs, seen videos on the benefits of CBD oils, and even through word of mouth. From big-name athletes to everyday people that suffer from a laundry list of issues like pain, anxiety, sleep issues, PTSD, arthritis, fibromyalgia, nausea, and backaches all getting positive results taking CBD Oils.
The word is getting out people…that there are better methods of dealing with health issues than taking prescription drugs and their natural methods. CBD Oil is the biggest leading the charge because it provides RESULTS!
Its funny how things line up for you in life. I have been experiencing a lot of stress, joint pain, and sleep issues as of late and was contacted by Every Day Optimal to review some of their products.
I readily jumped at this opportunity and was sent a bottle of their CBD Oil Tincture 600 mg and CBD Capsules 25 mg in order to try and review. Oh hell yeah! I’m in with both feet.

Also, my younger brother recently contacted me to tell me he had begun to take CBD Oil for his high blood pressure and has seen good results. We share a genetic condition that affects our kidneys, called Polycystic Kidney Disease. This disease usually goes hand in hand with high blood pressure. My brother has really high blood pressure, and when I mean high, I mean it. His is scarily high and mine is just slightly above normal that I take daily medication for. He has gotten his blood pressure under control with CBD oil as compared to prescription drugs which he had many side effects from taking and has nothing but good things to say and highly recommended I try some.
This all aligned up in a matter of two weeks. Wonderful!
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD stands for cannabidiol, this is found in both cannabis and hemp plants. CBD contains no psychoactive properties like THC, so you will not get high taking CBD Oils.
As mentioned before, it can be extracted from both cannabis and hemp plants. If extracted from hemp there is no THC present within the CBD Oil.
How do CBD Oil works?
CBD Oil affects the endocannabinoid system, this is found throughout the body. Where is it located? The brain, the central nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system in mammals. These parts of your body control and are affected by CBD Oil, appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, as well as providing results for anxiety and depression.
Common Concerns & Questions
Does it work?
From my experience, yes!
My wife would also agree as well. As she suffers from insomnia and high stress and has had good sleep and lower stress after taking it. I noticed it in her too because her mood is generally better. I, of course, had to get her to try it because of her job.
She has tried just about every type of sleeping pill with very mixed results. Some work once in a while, while others don’t at all. She never knows if it’s going to work or not and she can’t readily depend on it. She has seen great results every time she has taken it and is completely sold it works for her.
A side note here about my wife’s before taking CBD Oil is she never remembered her dreams or she doesn’t have them. But after taking the CBD Oil Tincture she remembers her dreams and now is dreaming more. She is waking up and telling me some interesting dreams she had and she is happy about this. She has had one sleep study years ago and they told her she sleeps in reverse.
You have to remember that there is a lot of buzz around CBD. Why is that? Because people are talking about it because they see positive results after taking CBD. Word of mouth is the greatest advertisement you can get. Chances are you know people yourself that have used CBD and seen positive results. If people have good results taking something, they want to sing the praises of the product.
Anytime a product can help with pain or health issues and it works, people will use it.
Does CBD Get You High?
This is the most often asked question and the answer is simply, no, it will not. Every Day Optimal regularly tests their products by a third-party lab to verify this. Plus Every Day Optimal only obtains the CBD from legal industrial hemp, as hemp doesn’t contain any THC.
What I Experienced Taking Every Day Optimal CBD Oil Tincture
I have three main health issues that dog my body, I can only speak about the results I have gotten with the problems I face. Keep in mind there is a long list of health problems that people have found CBD Oil has helped with. Research for yourself if your problem is not listed to see if CBD Oil can help you.
Their tincture comes in a glass bottle with a dropper that has contains 60 servings per container. The serving size is half the dropper.
How I use the tincture is simply placing it under my tongue and letting it sit there for around 3 minutes. Then swallowing after the 3 minutes. This is the fastest way to rapidly absorb the CBD and to start seeing results. It’s no wonder this is one of the most popular products.
You can also add the CBD Oil Tincture to drinks or food.
Better Sleep
First off, I experience serious improved sleep right from the get-go. As my full-time job schedule as of this year and last has been pretty chaotic. Going from 8 hours shift to a 10-hour shift, to now an 11-hour shift, my sleep cycle has been severely thrown off schedule. I often would only get only 5 to 6 hours of un-restful sleep. I would also have a hard time falling and it would take multiple times of just lying there in bed for a while and getting up to do something else then going back to bed and repeating till sleep finally came.
The first and second night of taking this, I slightly had a deeper fuller sleep but noticeably a change was felt. Which was exciting to me! After this point, I enjoyed quickly falling asleep and very much improved deep sleep. So much so, that I often wake up on the same side I began sleeping.
I wake up and feel more refreshed both my mind and body after taking this Every Day Optimal CBD Oil Tincture. I even tried it going one day without any CBD and noticed I didn’t feel as well-rested as I did taking the CBD Oil.
Despite my best attempts at trying to take care of myself with exercise and diet, I still get pain. Mostly joint pain, either in my finger joints or in one of my knees. As I work with my hands all day long, handling heavy stainless steel pipe and elbows while standing on hard unforgiving concrete. I have only been taking this for about a week now and seen a dramatic reduction in pains coming from all my joints. My fingers and my right knee, in particular, have all seen reduced pain if not totally eliminated it.
Blood Pressure
My blood pressure is only slightly high usually around 140 over 90. I have noticed a drop of about 10 to 20 points on the systolic number and about 8 points on my diastolic numbers. This is an improvement I am really glad to see. The numbers for blood pressure are always fluctuating, this is pretty common, this is due to a whole range of factors.
Improved Mood
Another bonus improvement I have noticed is my general overall mood. I am happier, as I am making jokes more often and having a more positive outlook on life. This really agrees with me, and my outlook on life has vastly improved.
There are a total of 5 ingredients in their tincture products.
- Organic Hemp Oil
- Grape Seed Oil
- Pure Cannabidiol (CBD)
- Fractionated MCT Oil – Good to see this included, great product too! You can read more about MCT Oil here, MCT Oil Benefits & Side Effects.
- Peppermint Flavor
6 Different Strengths Of Tinctures
Every Day Optimal offers a total of six different strengths of tinctures.
- 300 mg
- 600 mg
- 1,000 mg
- 1,800 mg
- 2,000 mg
- 4,000 mg

What I Like About Every Day Optimal
- All products sold at Every Day Optimal are made and handled in the good ole’ USA. That is grown, harvested, and packaged all done in America. The company is based in North Carolina.
- The sheer amount of different forms in which to take CBD Oil. They have a total of 5 different ways in which to consume their products, which surely please just about anyone.
- Gummy Bears
- Capsules
- Tinctures
- E-Liquid
- Gum
- Their products work, I immediately felt a change, a good change in my sleep pattern as well as pain and stiffness in my fingers.
- A wide selection of different strengths of CBD Oil to better fit your wallet and health issue. Generally, the lower the mg of the product the cheaper the price, as well as the higher the mg the more expensive the price. As not all symptoms require high doses of CBD to see results. The ranges of mg range between as low as 10 upwards to 4,000 mg. See their website for more information about dosage for ailments.
- My mood improved. Joking more and feeling better in general as concerned with my mood.
- Pets are not forgotten either, as they have a Beef Flavor CBD Oil too for both cats and dogs that are suffering from health conditions. Which is pretty affordable as well.
- THC-free. Every Day Optimal has its products tested by a 3rd party lab to confirm this. This is found on each product page found on their website in a PDF link. Look for a big green checkmark.
- First-time customers can earn 10% off their first order. We all want to safeguard our money, especially when trying new things. Every Day Optimal realizes this and provides customers a little help in this area. Simply just go to their website and click the Sign-Up Today Banner (usually located on any of their product pages) and enter in your name and email to receive this special code.
- An additional promo code is also sent with your first order!!! Nice.
- All their CBD products are free from pesticides, heavy metals, and contaminants.
- All tinctures have a slight peppermint flavor which I find refreshing and enjoyable. Some people say it is a strong peppermint but I didn’t find this to be true for me.
- Product support is great here, they offer via chat, email, or phone. Don’t hesitate to contact them with questions.
What I Don’t Like
- Sometimes when squeezing the bulb at the top of the bottle, I’ve noticed I get different amounts of CBD oil. Mostly it less, it is about half the recommended amount. When this happens I just squirt it back and fully submerge the glass dropper and try again. Once or twice and I get the correct amount. Remember you want about roughly half of the glass cylinder full. This isn’t that big of a deal as it is easily fixed.
- CBD Oil isn’t cheap. I should say quality CBD Oil isn’t cheap. I understand that it comes with a slight amount of sticker shock, as the price for such a small bottle but I would warn you not to be discouraged by this fact. As for a month supply depending on what dosage you buy breaks down to as low as $1.33 a day and upwards for the higher mg’s. If it works and you see good results, it will be more than worth it. My advice is to try it for a month and see if it works for you. Also, use the promo code below to save 10% Off all purchases.
How To Save Money At Every Day Optimal
Thankfully, there is a multitude of ways to save money at Every Day Optimal, that make purchasing CBD products more affordable. To save the most I would buy from the bundle products, which are discounted already then use the promo code below. You could save an additional savings of 38% by doing this.
Who doesn’t love saving money?
Promo Code
Use this promo code on any purchase to save 10% off – honebodymind10
Check Out Their Money Saving Bundles!
This is located at the top left of the screen, as they offer bundled products for a substantial discount. They offer 4 bundled products. Bundled products are also a great way of trying the different options of consuming CBD Oil to see which one you like the best.
How much is the discount for the bundle products?
They range from 20% to 28% off for bundle products.
Another Money Saving Tip
Follow the recommended dosage for the health problem your experiencing, as found on their website. They give general guidelines within each product description. You can later increase the dosage or lower the dosage depending on the results you obtain.
This is really important, as you can buy varying strengths of CBD Oil at Every Day Optimal website. The higher the dosage, the higher the price. As you might not need the higher mg depending on your symptoms. It is best to read through the product’s description and to see where you fall and to also contact your physician and consult with them before using.
Final Thoughts
I’ve experienced good results from taking Every Day Optimal Tincture 600 mg, and I would highly recommend you give it a try. This can be a healthy natural alternative to taking prescription drugs. I am looking forward to trying their other products as well in the future.
Visit Every Day Optimal
Would love to hear any questions or comments or any personal experiences with CBD Oil.
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Will do Chris. Sounds interesting.