Take Your Look To The Next Level
The wait is finally over! The name of the new Kinobody Style Course is:
Kinobody Style Guide How To Create The “Hollywood Effect” Through Style written
by Greg O’Gallagher & Tanner Guzy. (shown below)
What Is The Kinobody Style Guide
This thorough guide to developing style covers all the bases of style. To transform your game to the next level. This will have surprising effects: increased confidence, more attractiveness to people, and look good whatever situation you’re in.
This style guide tries to emulate what makes Hollywood actors so appealing by copying their style and breaking it down and adapting it to your own. The Hollywood style is what both Greg and Tanner are ultimately trying to teach you, men, out there.
Greg spent so much time developing his physique that his sense of style was needed upgrading. His style needed upgrading to match his improved physique. A balance if you will.
So, learning how to dress and improving your style game with truly transform your life. It will open many doors. For example your social life, your own confidence, your dating life.

More On The New Style Course
Looks like Greg is venturing a little out of the fitness world to explore more areas of improving one image but this time is it through style, the clothes you wear to the accessories that further enhance your look. This is still in-line with the overall Kinobody ethos of looking the most aesthetically pleasing, as one can possibly can. Thereby taking your look to the next level, or should we say, “completing your look”
I find the departure into other fields as a welcoming and refreshing natural progression. As some systems become very myopic and locked within their own cage. Whereas in life it is ever-changing and evolving. Moving and flowing freely.

As to the reason he is creating these new Style courses, he says, it is because it was sparked by people asking him about his clothing and fashion, a particular shirt or a watch he was wearing.
Let’s face it style doesn’t always come easy to men, some men yes, other men not so much. As for me for example, I call myself “a barbarian” when it comes to many things and style is one area I would definitely call myself “a barbarian“.
Hate To Admit But Help Me
Most men struggle with style and need a little help. I know I do.
This system would dial it in even more and add on top of the benefits of being in shape to looking sharp and a well-rounded man. These two elements really play well off of each other and are a very good combo to incorporate together. When you dress well you also appear much more attractive and successful.
The great thing about style is you could change your very own style today for the better, it can be instantaneous by just going to a store and purchases certain items of clothing. Well, working out takes months and even years to attain the desired look.
Enter Tanner Guzy of Masculine Style Website

If you are familiar with Greg at all, he loves networking with other talented and influential people in multiple fields of study, either via his website or YouTube channel. If you are not familiar I would suggest you check it out as some of it is very good.
In this venture, Greg seems to be networking with Tanner Guzy of Masculine Style to bring their combined knowledge of style to the forefront. As Greg has the fitness part/style down and Tanner with the style down.
I think it’s about optimizing your overall appearance because if you have a great physique and you don’t dress the part or wear clothes that don’t play to your strengths as an in-shape man, you’re under-utilizing your true potential of feeling and looking your best. When you play to your strengths, you open otherwise closed doors because let’s face it beauty rules.
Tanner writes on his site about the philosophy of style as well as having a podcast and several guides as well.
What Is Included In Kinobody Style Guide?
- Getting Started Video (3:30 minutes)
- Why You Should Care About Style (Section 1)
- The Key To Developing A Masculine Style That Makes Girls Go Crazy (Section 1)
- How To Dress For A Great Physique (Section 2)
- How To Dress For Your Tribe And Personality (Section 2)
- The Importance Of Being Well Rounded (Become More Than Muscles) (Sections 2)
- The 15 Essential Items For Masculine Style (Section 3)
- Key Items For The Gym (Section 3)
- Module 1 Video (61:12 minutes)
- Module 2 Video (23:06)
- Module 3 Video (34:44)
What I Really Like About The Kinobody Style Guide
After going through the program there are many things that jump out at me that I really like about the Kinobody style guide. I will go through some of these.
What I really like are examples of actual clothing to purchase. The name of the clothing the manufacturer as well as a link to the actual product. This is to give you the basic framework upon which to build upon.
Affordability, you don’t need a lot of money to look amazing. You will learn the exact items you need to create versatility and simplicity. You just need a base in which to own your own style. This guide breaks down the essentials you will need to look great.
I also really enjoyed the lengthy bonus videos.
I have found real knowledge that I didn’t have and wanted but didn’t know how to get the information. It can be a real hit or miss thing. This style guide fills that void!
Kinobody First Announced
On Kinobody’s YouTube Channel, 10/10/2016 titled “My Strongest Physique Ever“, Greg the owner and creator of the revolutionary Kinobody courses just dropped that he is going to be offering a new course. Greg also does a pretty impressive for his body weight, 275 lbs. incline press for 5 reps, his new personal record. I believe his weight is around 170 lbs.
As mentioned above, the name of the new course hasn’t been revealed just yet but will be short. You can watch the video below to see Greg talk about a new course Kinobody is going to be offering very shortly. But the great news is you can sign up right now for the exclusive waiting list right now, to get the most up-to-date information.
To fast forward to this new Kinobody Style Course head over to about 2:20 in the video.
This course kind of deviates from his normal fitness programs, but it’s still applicable and still I’m sure, interesting and useful to all Kinobody users or even people looking for good advice to dress better. As I myself know I am lacking in these skills and need improvement as well as getting in shape. This would be right in-line with the fitness program, in that it is dealing with looks. I would recommend you check it out if you like the way either Greg or Tanner dresses and presents themselves.
Are You New To Kinobody?
For those that don’t know anything about Kinobody or Greg Gallagher let me introduce you to an amazing fitness and diet program that was designed over many years of self-discovery and by trial and error. Where mostly it is about using intermittent fasting and gaining strength to optimize your physique.
I have personally purchased and I am still doing the Warrior Shredding program with fantastic results. You can read my full in-depth review here, Is Kinobody A Scam? I also have quite a few other posts pertaining to Kinobody as well, What is Kinobody? & Intermittent Fasting The Kinobody Style.
Greg spent many years developing and refining his Kinobody system into 8 programs. Along with a cookbook that is very useful in conjunction with any of the 8 programs, Kinochef cookbook.
- Aggressive Fat Loss
- Warrior Shredding
- Greek God Muscle
- Superhero Bulking
- Goddess Toning
- KinoBooty Program
- Bodyweight Mastery
- Cardio, Abs & Mobility
I really feel most men would greatly benefit from the combined effort of both men Tanner Guzy and Greg O’Gallagher, in their Kinobody Style Guide. Take a step forward to a better you today.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I would love the opportunity to answer them. Thanks.
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